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Thank You for Downloading ActiveTcl

Thanks for Downloading ActiveTcl

You are currently downloading the 64-bit MSI installer which is the preferred installer for most situations. If you need an alternate installer for ActiveTcl, you’ll need to create an ActiveState Platform account and follow the workflow. The EXE and ZIP versions of ActiveTcl can then be downloaded under the “Download Builds” tab. If you require a 32-bit installer, you must subscribe to the Team Tier of the ActiveState Platform.

Important Notes

Need Help?

Is something not working as expected?

Please visit our forums at community.www.activestate.com.

Support is free, but is best-effort only.

If you'd like commercial support, please see below.

Use Limited to Five Active Runtimes 

ActiveState’s Tcl downloads are free of charge, but there are some limits on use: you can have no more than five runtimes active at the same time. Each installed copy of ActivePerl, ActivePython and ActiveTcl counts as one Active Runtime. Each running copy of a runtime that you manage with the ActiveState Platform also counts towards your number of Active Runtimes. For more information, see the ActiveState Platform Terms of Service and the ActiveState Community Edition License Agreement.

If you need more than five Active Runtimes, please see our Plans and Pricing page.

Upgrade to Commercial or Enterprise Tier for:

Additional Active Runtimes
Get the licensing needed to use ActivePerl and other ActiveState products at scale.

Custom language distributions
that we build, manage and maintain to meet your needs (extended support for older Tcl 8.5 versions)

Security / CVE reporting
Get reports of potential security issues in your custom language distributions

Premium SLA-based support
Chat, email and voice support from our experts with guaranteed SLAs

License reporting
Detailed reports of the licensing within your custom language distributions

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