We are super excited to unveil the new code.www.activestate.com at PyCon today.
- We’ve implemented tons of new improvements and sharpened code.www.activestate.com to make it the place to go for dynamic language and web development code recipes.
- ActiveState and O’Reilly worked in collaboration to deliver a site where developers can share best practices and recipes, make their life easier and become known in the community.
- And what’s even better is that the new code site serves as a portal to promote Python developers with the chance to include their most useful and innovative recipes in the 3rd edition of the upcoming O’Reilly Python Coobook!
We put a lot of love and care with code.www.activestate.com, making sure that we integrated feedback and insights from the community.
Thanks to all the contributors who voiced their opinions!
Here are a few of the cool features available in ActiveState Code:
- Improved usability and identification by community trends – Users can search recipes by number of views, age of recipe and user votes to quickly identify the most popular ones.
- Easy social sharing – Users can share recipes with colleagues and friends through Digg, Twitter, Delicious, Facebook and other social networking and bookmarking sites.
- Improved tagging – Including the addition of structured tags (also known as machine tags) to allow contributors to be more precise in how they tag and make searching for specific recipes more effective.
Take a tour of code.www.activestate.com now!
Check out the code.www.activestate.com press release for more info.
And if you are at PyCon, don’t forget to swing by the ActiveState booth (#107)