I joined ActiveState last year. It’s the first time I’m working directly in the open source space. And along with learning a lot, it’s been remarkable to consider not only what the company has achieved but also the proliferation of open source software. I’ve been surprised to learn how many of us take open source for granted, especially since how it enables most of our day-to-day tech.
It’s kind of mind-boggling to take a look back over the last 25 years to consider how much has changed because of tech. I’m using 25 years because that’s just about as long as I’ve been working in the tech sector, and because a quarter of a century is a good reference point.
And one of those things that has changed is that most applications, programs etc. have shifted from proprietary to open source to market dominance [there’s a lesson in there somewhere :)]
Code runs the world. And code is everywhere. And most of this code is open source based. Quick fact, OVER 90% of applications are built with open source code…
And I’m at a company that lives and breathes open source languages. So I feel I’m in the middle of it all, in a really good way.
I’m working with a group of people who are passionate about two things when it comes to open source: creating experiences that coders love, and making it super easy for the enterprise to use open source. And here’s the rub, wide-spread adoption of open source is now making things tougher for companies, and creating more hair-pulling for coders.
Consider this, more people need to use code, more people need to write code. And the code you write today needs to speak to code from many years ago. AND the code you write code today is based on new programming languages, and new languages that are open source.
So you need to ship software faster, you need to add more to processes to check your code for compliance, security, integration, etc. And you need to figure out a way to do this not just as a checkbox to ship the software, but do so for as long as that code ‘lives’.
We know we can help. Part of it is the 20+ spent on building open source language distros for mono or polyglot environments. We have enterprise level distros for Python, Go, Perl, Tcl and Ruby. And we have a way to help companies configure exactly what they need.
We get it’s not sufficient to have a one-size fits all approach. And that you need to move fast.
We’ve worked with Fortune 1000 companies to help them solve what they need to comply with, the pace at which they need to move and understanding that it needs to work for “the Enterprise” but also every single individual who is coding with our language builds.
And we’re building on our 20+ years of experience. We are building a SaaS Platform to help resolve security, compliance and performance issues across your software development lifecycle. We’re going to fix all those non-optimal build-debug-deploy-update-rollback processes you wrestle with every day when it comes to open source in your development, CI/CD, and production environments.
Want to learn more? Join us our journey by signing up here.

Integrating Open Source Software At Scale: A Blessing or a Curse? You Decide
Open Source Software (OSS) has become the standard in enterprise software development. For most organizations, identifying all the OSS deployed for use internally, externally, and for software development purposes can