On June 6, 2016 at 10 am PDT, NathanR and myself (CareyH) introduced Komodo X to the world (just under 100 people…) in a live webcast. Our goal was to show off some of the new features in action and let people ask questions about what they heard, saw, or wanted to see.
To ensure that everyone, not just people who were able to attend the webinar, would benefit from the webcast, I wrote a blog to answer all the questions asked during the cast. This is that blog.
1. When and where can I find the recorded webinar presentation?
Now and here (Don’t forget there are 11 more questions to go after this so…pace yourself):
2. How did you get to config.xml? To clarify, how do you get the full configuration screen to display?
I believe this user was asking about how to get to either the general preferences (`Ctrl + ,` Linux and Windows, `Cmd + ,`OSX) or specifically the Color Scheme Editor: Preferences > Color Scheme, or *Tools > Color Scheme Editor*.
3. Is Chromium running inside Komodo or as another window?
The Chrome remote debugging uses an external Chrome or Chromium executable that will launch an external browser from Komodo to run your website. It then reaches out to your running Komodo to begin the debugging session. For more information, take a look at the Chrome Debugging docs and this Komodo Chrome remote debugging webcast.
4. I have some problems with version X after upgrading from version 9. Where do I get help? I get a “File open” error (but file the opens), version control is not active on the opened file, and I can’t debug it (perl script).
Anyone who wants to ask ANY type of Komodo question (other than when you’re in a webinar listening to us) should ask them in forum.komodoide.com. This user found their answer here: http://forum.komodoide.com/t/upgrade-issues-to-komodo-x/2826/7
5. This is not specific Komodo question – I’m wondering if there is a way to create an executable from Perl. If I purchase Komodo, will I be able to do that?
Komodo doesn’t build executable files. You would need a build tool for that…a build tool like ActiveState’s Perl Development Kit (PDK). The PDK tool (like ActiveState’s Tcl Development Kit) is an extremely powerful tool that allows you to build your Perl application into an executable file that can (or not) include all dependencies as well as compile it for any support platform (eg, Windows, Linux, OSX). By the way, if you’re reading this blog before June 15th, 2016, there is a significant sale happening for PDK. You can get $50 off PDK or $100 off Pro-Studio (Komodo + PDK), if you purchase before June 15th. Komodo is also $50 off.
6. What does support for Angular, React, and Ember mean?
This basically means that you will get appropriate syntax colouring and syntax checking for each framework. Since they are built on Javascript, Komodo already supported code intelligence for these frameworks.
7. How do you hide specific tabs such as Collaboration or Databases? The only one way I have found is by moving them to the right pane which I don’t use at all.
Right now you can completely remove these tools through the Addons Legacy interface: Tools > Add-ons (Legacy).
8. Do I upgrade from a “Komodo Personal Upgrade” license or do I purchase Komodo X?
You can upgrade from the latest version which would be Komodo 9. You’ll need to purchase a new license if you’re coming from an earlier version.
9. No love for ColdFusion?
Not currently but one of our users certainly likes it: http://komodoide.com/packages/languages/cfml-language/. Note that we track all public requests for new features through Github so if you’re hoping for something to be added to Komodo you should start there: https://github.com/Komodo/KomodoEdit/issues/new. You can also ask in the forums to see if anyone in the community has already done anything.
10. Any support for KnockoutJS ?
It appears to just be a JS library of sorts, so our codeintel should pick it up. Any one looking for additional enhancements in Komodo should file a request at our KomodoEdit Github repo where we track all bugs and feature request for both Komodo IDE and Komodo Edit.
11. I assume Firefox does not have such a Debugger so you don’t support it?
We’ll be looking into adding additional supported debuggers but as of now only Chrome remote debugging is supported
Well that’s all for now. On behalf of the entire Komodo team, I would like to thank everyone who attended the webinar, and/or is using Komodo X, and/or giving us invaluable feedback in our forums. Looking forward to talking to you there soon.
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