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ActiveState Software Attestations Early Access Wrap Up

ActiveState's Software Attestation Early Access Program provides a hands-on introduction on how to work with Attestations. See how.
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The Future of Software and Social Networks
My last few blogs have been pretty techie.  I’ve even been wondering if I should write about some messing around I’ve been doing on weekends ...
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Improving Ajax Performance by Being Selective
I spent a few days over the holidays messing around with Rails 2.0 and the Google Maps API.  Sure, these technologies aren’t the newest.  GMaps ...
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XML+CSS+Komodo==Cool Document Preview
A number of times recently I’ve had the idea of preview-ability for different XML formats come up.  Komodo has a simple browser preview built into ...
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Suppressing The Windows Error Report MessageBox With Subprocess And Ctypes
Supressing the Windows Error Report MessageBox with Subprocess and Ctypes
Hands up, anyone who’s written a Python script that was supposed to run for a long period of time unattended on a Windows box, only ...
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Adding New Languages to Komodo with UDL
Adding New Languages to Komodo with UDL
Kid: Adding a New Language to Komodo with UDL -1. This Tutorial doesn’t work with Komodo 4.2 The API changed slightly when 4.2 was released, ...
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Ok, time to do this blogging thing seriously again…
For a few months, I really dropped off the blogging wagon. Too much real-world stuff to do. But now that that’s calming down a bit, ...
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Goodbye PPM, Hello State Tool
Note: While ActivePerl 5.8 can still be licensed by Team Tier customers, it is no longer maintained or supported. For these reasons, we highly recommend moving ...
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Libpthread: How To Get It
libpthread: how to get it
On Linux, Komodo requires the standard pthreads library to be installed.  Some distributions have setup options that will omit this library.  This article will briefly ...
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