We surveyed over 300 DevSecOps pros to understand how they’re managing vulnerabilities—discover the results

Pete Garcin

Senior Director of Product

Favorite part of my job: Seeing things go from ideas or feedback into actual products that help someone solve a problem.
I got hooked on tech: When I got my first computer and started coding games.
I love to also: Spend time with family, ski, watch volleyball, make games, music, and write books!
Leaders who inspire me: David Suzuki, Gord Downie, Sidney Crosby, Margaret Atwood.
Fictional Alter Ego: Hari Seldon.
Superpower: Connecting the dots.

Pete brings over 20 years of software development expertise and a unique perspective bridging creative and technical domains. At ActiveState, he’s worked closely with open source communities and developers to deliver best-in-class tools. His background spans the gaming industry, where he delivered 40+ titles in roles ranging from Programmer to Executive Producer, working with partners like Electronic Arts, Sony, and MLB, while building high-performing teams and driving products from concept to market. Pete holds degrees from the University of Waterloo and Carleton University.


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