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Governance & Policy Management

Know the current state of internal and external policy compliance across all the projects in your organization. ActiveState enables your developers to move fast with our always-updated, curated open source catalog, balancing that with your OSPO’s or GRC department’s need to manage risk. Always know what open source you are using and how it complies with your company policies.

Challenges with governance and policy management

Managing and vetting large numbers of upstreams is complex and auditing components for vulnerabilities after the fact is too late.

With ActiveState, curate the entire upstream ecosystem using policy management to ensure that vulnerable components never even enter your organization.

Verifying and reporting on the compliance of your open source across all your projects is tedious and time consuming.

ActiveState always has up-to-date reports for all projects in your organization, including their license policy compliance, compliance with your established policies, as well as vulnerability information. Save time and headaches with ActiveState by letting us handle reporting on your current compliance status.

Ongoing monitoring of your open source software is vital to ensure each new update and new project complies with company policies put in place as a part of your governance framework. Without continuous monitoring violations can slip through into finished products.

ActiveState’s scanning tool provides visibility into all the open source components across your organization from Docker Registries to SBOMs to K8s and more.

The ActiveState difference

ActiveState’s platform simplifies open source governance, reducing both time and effort. Our policy feature automates compliance checks by monitoring projects for violations. You can choose either a “deny list” or an “allow list” based approach. This streamlines project reviews, as all projects are evaluated against set policies, eliminating repeated research. You’ll receive alerts for license changes and new vulnerabilities.

Additionally, organizational reports and summaries provide an overview of compliance, with customizable report frequencies for efficient data sharing with your stakeholders. You’ll always surface the right data to the right people, quickly!

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