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Python for Aerospace and Defense Industry

Improving technology skills has become an important initiative in the US military and armed forces. And while many contractors in this space already employ Python, they may not have considered the larger role it can play beyond just scripting.  This datasheet outlines:
  • Key Aerospace and Defense use cases for Python
  • For contractors and engineers already familiar with Python, it shows how ActivePython can provide greater security, productivity and automation features
  • For ADM engineers familiar with MATLAB, it also shows how ActivePython can offer a better alternative

What is the ActiveState Platform?

At ActiveState, we use our Platform to build not only our popular open source language distributions, but also custom environments for our enterprise clients (i.e. language builds containing just the packages their application requires). All environments created with the ActiveState Platform are built from source, assessed for CVEs, and can be updated in a timely manner.

Why choose ActivePyton and ActiveState Platform for aerospace and defense?

There are numerous advantages that the datasheet highlights. But most of all, and one that we see the defense sector finds critical is security – the ability to create a walled garden of vetted packages for their dev teams and the ActiveState assurance that they will find the technical support they need to build free of CVEs! Our commercial support for Python enables you to do extensive customization, and access premium support and regularly scheduled builds – licensed for use beyond development.

Developers can sign up for our Platform and use it to build a runtime environment for their Python projects right away. Or they can get a version of the Python core language and many of the popular third-party modules – free to download and use for development purposes.

For information on team tier or enterprise pricing, refer to our Platform Pricing or else contact Sales.

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