We surveyed over 300 DevSecOps pros to understand how they’re managing vulnerabilities—discover the results

Speeding Open Source Vulnerability Remediation

Are organizations doing enough to protect their open source supply chains? We asked 1500 software professionals this question. Get the survey report to understand the state of software supply chain security better.

The CVEs published by the US National Vulnerability Database (NVD) continue to grow from decade to decade. It’s simply becoming harder and harder for developers to keep up. And of course, attackers only need one unpatched vulnerability to exploit, while defenders need to patch everything. This data sheet explains how you can use the ActiveState Platform to dramatically shorten the time to remediate vulnerabilities, ensuring the security of your open source supply chain.

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The Open Source Vulnerability Problem Studies have shown that the average time between when an open source vulnerability is disclosed, and when a patch is made available is approximately 9 days. However, the majority of attacks typically occur before a patch is released. Worse, even after a patch is available, it can take an average of 38 days for organizations to apply it due to the lengthy investigation, rebuild, retest and redeploy cycle. Kenna Security and the Cyentia Institute summarized the vulnerability patching practices of 300 organizations in the following chart:

Figure 1: Time to patch vulnerabilities

Speeding Open Source Vulnerability Remediation

vulnerability remediation speed

Resolve Open Source Vulnerabilities Faster

The ActiveState Platform is a universal package management solution for Python, Perl and Tcl that can help you secure your open source supply chain.

Two of the most important issues faced by development teams include timely vulnerability remediation and knowing which component/version of a component is safe to use. The ActiveState Platform addresses both issues, while ensuring that managers can meet key metrics like Mean Time To Detection (MTTD) of vulnerabilities and Mean Time To Remediation (MTTR) for your applications.

  • Reduce MTTDyou can’t secure vulnerabilities you don’t know about, which is why the ActiveState Platform provides:
  • A detailed Bill of Materials (BOM) for each of your Python, Perl and Tcl projects, showing exactly which components are currently vulnerable.
  • A vulnerability status that shows the number of vulnerabilities by severity level for each of your projects, allowing you to identify risk.
  • A PDF report that provides details on each vulnerability, and which you can email to all stakeholders increasing awareness.
  • Reduce MTTRrather than waiting for a patch to be released, the ActiveState Platform uniquely lets you take action right away by:
  • Indicating which version(s) of a component are vulnerable and which aren’t, enabling a quick upgrade/downgrade as opposed to a lengthy investigation.
  • Showing the ramifications of choosing a specific version of a component on the rest of your environment BEFORE you commit to it, ensuring you’re always using secure, compatible components.
  • Automatically rebuilding your environment for Windows and Linux in minutes, ready for deployment, dramatically reducing the build-and-test cycle.

About ActiveState

ActiveState is the de-facto standard for millions of developers around the world who have been using our commercially-backed, secure open source language distributions for over 20 years. With the ActiveState Platform, developers can now automatically build their own Python, Perl or Tcl Environments for Windows, Linux or Mac—all without requiring language or operating system expertise.

How to try the ActiveState Platform for your Python, Perl and Tcl projects?

Developers can sign up for our Platform and use it to build a runtime environment for their Python projects right away. Or they can install it via the command line using the snippet provided here.

Up to 5 Active Runtimes per organization (or per individual, if for personal use) are free. For information on team tier or enterprise pricing, refer to our Platform Pricing or contact Sales.

Your software supply chain is only as secure as its weakest link. Book a demo and let us show you how the ActiveState Platform can secure it from end-to-end.

Related Resources:

3 Keys to Securing the Open Source Supply Chain

President Biden: Secure Your Software Supply Chain

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