Both Anaconda and ActiveState Python are 100% compatible with open source Python, but ActiveState provides a far more secure and versatile implementation that can make your organization far more productive while ensuring your software supply chain remains uncompromised.
- Migrating from Anaconda to ActiveState is as simple as installing a version of ActiveState Python along with the State Tool.
- Where Anaconda users work with the Conda package manager, ActiveState users work with State Tool in order to install, update and manage your local Python environment.
- In fact, because ActiveState Python installs into a virtual environment by default, you can run both Anaconda Python and ActiveState Python side by side to compare their capabilities while benefitting from ActiveState’s advantages.
ActiveState Python vs Anaconda Datasheet
- Download ActiveState Python for free today for Windows Mac or Linux.
- For more information on pricing, refer to our ActiveState Platform Pricing or else contact Sales.