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Benefits of Outsourcing Your Software Supply Chain


This whitepaper details the advantages of outsourcing your open source software supply chain to a modern third party vendor like ActiveState:

  • Software vendors are in the software supply chain management business, whether they realize it or not:

    • Software is mostly assembled from open source components (>80%) rather than written from scratch, but only the largest vendors have the time and resources to treat their software supply chain as a first class citizen in their software development process.

    • Most organizations cobble together multiple point solutions to address the maintenance and security associated with the open source components they use, and then hope for the best. Hope is not a plan.

  • Instead, software vendors can take a lesson from traditional manufacturing who outsourced their supply chains some 50 years ago in order to better focus on the final product.

    • The result was a sharp increase in both efficiency and profitability.

    • In the same way, software vendors can lower security risks, improve productivity and lower costs by letting a qualified third party securely source, maintain and update open source components on your behalf.
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