VANCOUVER, British Columbia – July 25, 2006 – The third alpha release of Komodo 4.0, for Linux, Mac OS X, and Windows is now available for testing and feedback.
New in Komodo 4.0 Alpha 3
- HTTP Inspector. Examine HTTP requests and responses as they happen.
- JavaScript Interactive Shell. Manipulate JavaScript code within JavaScript debugging sessions.
- Live Import. Projects can now automatically act as a Live Folder.
New in Komodo 4.0 Alphas 1 and 2
- SFTP/SCP Remote File support. Configure SFTP/SCP the same way you would configure FTP.
- Vi Bindings. Configure Komodo to work with vi bindings.
- SCC History. View history on a file, and diff between revisions.
- JavaScript debugging in Firefox. Debug JavaScript code in Komodo.
- User-Defined Languages (UDL). Improved support for multi-language files such as Ruby on Rails RHTML.
For a full list of changes, see the release notes installed with the alpha.
How to Participate
The Komodo Team,