The End-to-End Security Your Python Supply Chain Needs

Automated Vulnerability Remediation

Vetted, Indemnified Source Code

Secure & Reproducible Builds
(Get started for free)

Attackers have shifted their focus to infiltrating development environments. It’s no longer good enough to address software vulnerabilities. Organizations MUST secure their software development processes, as well.
That’s where the ActiveState Platform comes in!
The ActiveState Platform is a turnkey supply chain security solution that ensures the integrity and security of your ENTIRE software development processes.
- Secure the import process – where third-party code enters the enterprise
- Secure the build process – where code is built and/or packaged
- Secure the run process – where components and software are used

When you create and manage your Python environments with the ActiveState Platform, you can be assured that you’re working with up-to-date Python packages automatically built securely from source code for Windows, Linux & macOS.
Verified, Indemnified Packages
Automated Vulnerability Remediation
Software Bill Of Materials (SBOM)
Verifiably Reproducible Builds
Trusted By Industry Leaders
“Along with BOM (Bill of Materials) management, ActiveState satisfied the internal needs of both engineering and DevOps. We gain speed, flexibility and engineering time, plus can better manage the risk of products running Python with a uniform and consistent approach.”

Vice President Research and Development
MSC Software / Hexagon
Ready to see how the ActiveState Platform can work for your security needs?
Send a message to get a product demo to better understand our Platform and how it can integrate with your existing workflow.