We surveyed over 300 DevSecOps pros to understand how they’re managing vulnerabilities—discover the results


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Thanks for registering to talk to Pablo, ActiveState’s Team Lead, Tools & Infrastructure, to get them answered. Pablo worked on Wall Street for 12 years and can talk about everything Open Source, from integrations and architecture to security.

Here’s your zoom link for the coffee chat. The first 15 attendees in the Coffee Chat will get a $10 Starbucks Giftcard.

Common questions we’ve gotten from FinServs are:

  • Do you notify people when there is a critical vulnerability that should be patched? 
  • A lot of attacks occur when someone downloads a package with a similar (but not identical) name to a legitimate package. How do you protect against these types of scenarios?
  • You get an emerging zero day CVE, how long does it take for you to address that?

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